Baby Bare are an Australian brand who make a wide range of different nappies, most of which I’ve already reviewed separately (All in one, Ai2, Side-snap, Honey Pot night), this review is for their wrap which is called the Honey wrap. It is designed to be used with their Honey Pot night nappy, or with some of their other absorbency options during the day (or just with any absorbency in general). It retails for around £11.25.

It has external double gussets on the legs, which I’m not a massive fan of but at least the elastic are gentle. Like the other Baby Bare nappies it is a popper fastening on the waist with a double popper and overlap but no hip-stability poppers. The rise poppers are in three columns which I prefer, and it is rather wide between the legs so that third column is essential.

Inside is a wipe-clean shell so it can be used in the day sort of like an Ai2 system where (as long as the wrap isn’t soiled) you would wipe down the shell and just change the absorbency for around 4 nappy changes. Making is very cost effective. If using overnight you should wash the wrap after each use. The wrap has front and back PUL flaps to help secure inserts in place, especially good if you just wanted to Padfold (such as the Baby Bare trifold, or any trifold/prefold) some absorbency into the wrap. At the back there are two poppers which are the perfect fit for the Baby Bare Honey insert (which comes with Honey Pot night nappy, or can be purchased separately for £5). The Honey insert quickly snaps in and again if the wrap isn’t soiled you could just change the insert a few times. I do prefer using the wrap with pad folded absorbency rather than over fitted/Terry nappies.

It provides good coverage of the Honey Pot night nappy (or any fitted nappy). However I do feel it would benefit from some tummy elastic. Night nappies tend to be quite bulky and so tummy elastic is helpful to draw the wrap back towards the waist and therefore prevent leaks, especially for tummy sleepers. When using over slimmer fitted nappies or pad folded absorbency the lack of tummy elastic isn’t an issue.

It has fit both my youngest children, but because of the width I do prefer it on older toddlers more than babies.

What lets this wrap down is the binding on the outer edges, specifically around the legs. Once the absorbency inside becomes wet it will wick onto the binding and that in turn wicks onto clothing.

Overall I think this is a decent price point and the wrap has a lot of versatility in how you use it. But the binding is an issue for me.
You can also see this review, and many others, on my YouTube channel.