Through using cloth nappies I have discovered the humble but mighty vest extender. These small rectangles of fabric are such a genius invention. I wish they were more widely known about as they would be useful for all babies, not just those in cloth (hint: they make such a useful and unusual baby gift!).

As you may know, tight fitting clothing can be a cause of nappy leaks (for disposables as well as cloth). A vest extenders makes your vest a little bit roomier in the length which should help prevent leaks. They are also really useful in giving a bit more wear out of vests before they are outgrown. In fact depending on the shape of your baby you may be able to skip sizes by sizing up and then so you’re getting a comfortable fit without a vest extender. Then adding a vest extenders to prolong the fit until you’re ready to move up to a vest without an extender again.
I use the Little Lambs extenders. They wash and wear really well. You should expect a set to last around 2 years before showing signs of use (mainly some edgewear which doesn’t affect the use anyway). I will caution not being too rough when undoing the poppers. Because these are going to be used for hundreds and hundreds of nappy changes if you’re too rough then you will start to see the poppers pulling away from the fabric.
The Little Lambs vest extenders are available to purchase from; Peanut and Poppet (use this link for 10% off, or enter GRACE10 at checkout), The Nappy Gurus (use this link for 10% off, or enter CLOTHNAPPYGEEK at checkout), The Nappy Lady. All these retailers offer a pack of 3 for £7.50, and The Nappy Lady also offers them singularly for £3 (prices correct at time of writing).
I’ve complied a list of brands which the Little Lamb vest extenders fit. Obviously this is subject to change as manufacturers may alter their designs, but it’s a good starting point:
- Tesco
- Patpat
- Lily & Dan
- Sainsburys
- Asda
- H&M
- Marks & Spencer
- Matalan
- Primark
And here are some brands that I’ve found which currently do NOT fit:
- Bambino Mio (they previously offered some matching baby clothes to their nappy prints, not available anymore but you might see them preloved).
- Gap