The Teenyfit is the newborn version of the Tots Bots Easyfit AIO, which I have previously reviewed. It retails for around £12. Like the rest of the Tots Bots range it is made in the UK and the materials are OEKO-TEX certified.
It is only available with a velcro fastening on the waist. It has laundry tabs to secure the sticky part of the velcro during washing. The outer PUL is gorgeously soft and very gentle on your baby’s skin. It is recycled PUL, meaning each Teenyfit nappy saves one plastic bottle from landfill.

It is a very easy to use nappy. It does not have any rise poppers and everything is stitched in inside, a true AIO. So with the velcro fastening, even if you had never seen a cloth nappy before you would easily be able to put this on a baby.
The leg elastics are rolled and are incredibly gentle on little newborn legs. The back elastic is a bit wider too which also makes this gentle on the skin.
Inside there is a front and back PUL panels, again with the same soft PUL. The absorbent core is in the centre, with the edges a stay-dry fabric to prevent leaks. The absorbency is 3 layers of bamboo and microfibre. The top layer is bamboo so although safe to go against your baby’s skin it will feel wet so you may wish to add a fleece liner to provide a stay-dry layer. Additionally the label is inside the nappy so a liner would cover this to stop it irritating.

By around 2 weeks old we were already struggling with the absorbency of this nappy. If she had a feed during wear (2-3ozs normally) it would leak after an hour. If we managed to avoid the feeding window it could just about last 2 hours. Because it is a true AIO it is quite a difficult nappy to boost, the only option is to lay some additional absorbency inside the nappy, perhaps with a fleece liner on top. As you’ll need to be careful not to compromise the fit with such a small nappy, I would suggest trying a folded cloth wipe as a booster in the first instance.

It is a little wide between the legs. I first tried this nappy at 8 days old, by which point my baby was about 7lbs 9oz and it was a little bulkier than some other newborn nappies we’d been using. Because there aren’t any rise poppers I also found the legs were a bit gappy. We didn’t get a decent leg seal until around 10lbs (this will depend on your baby’s shape).

Overall, at £12 these are one of the cheaper newborn AIO nappies available. And they are certainly very easy to use. However for us the sizing and absorbency just never married up, by the time she was big enough to fill out the nappy it was insufficient absorbency for her needs. Therefore I rarely reached for this nappy at all.
You can also see this review, and many others, on my YouTube channel.